Wednesday, November 4, 2009


etc. etc. etc. forget updates, and I'm done. There. End of Blog.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chugging Along..

...While chugging some pear juice, or rather sipping, so as to savor the flavor. It's pretty good, I'd recommend it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

4 Days Pass.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

One Week Later...

A whopping 7 square inches of surface area newly covered! Officially over half way done.. cause for celebration? Stay tuned, this baby tends to grow.

We're Starting Half Way Through.

After a month of hard work. Looks like mountains to me!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Real Reason I Started This.

That's her, right there, Jessica Hong, you may have seen her around, or maybe not. She's pushy, real pushy, she wanted people to follow her blog and when she asked me and I politely declined she begged, pleaded, kicked, screamed, threw a huge temper tantrum, which was way over the capacity of my computer speakers, she even threatened my life so I figured, I'm in Florence, I'm taking a lot of classes, traveling a lot, barely have time to do my laundry, why not start a blog? You can never have enough excuses to procrastinate. Besides, who can really say no to that smile anyway (sidenote: Jess is also a really talented musician).

I figure while I'm here, I'll just document the slowest moving painting I've ever done to date. Maybe throw in some other things I'm working on here. You get to see my progress, can you ask for more?